Funny Things 5 Year Olds Say. The responses were pretty darn funny. Grabs bottle of nail polish remover 422.

He has the most incredible sense of comic timing and makes me laugh out loud several times a day. So for all you Pandas to have a nice laugh today we have put together a list of funny things kids say - from their audacious clapbacks and diamonds of thought to freakishly honest questions about life these funny kids quotes never cease to amaze. Its just falling in space.
In a series of hilarious tweets compiled by Bored Panda parents have revealed the most surprising - and comical - comebacks their six-year-old children have ever come out with.
However Little Sir is now 5 and I swear is going to be a comic mastermind. November 15 2018 Six-year-olds say the funniest things. It all depends where you fall on the Grinch-meter really. He is just beginning to crack joke telling so I thought what better for todays prompt than the top 25 jokes for 5 year olds.